Welcome to Year 6





Here is a selection of our Y6 poetry about Remembrance Day.

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In maths, we have been learning about fractions. We have enjoyed comparing fractions and recording fractions as both improper and mixed number fractions.
We enjoyed our Smarties challenge on 'Children In Need' day, to work out fractions of coloured smarties in packets.
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In literacy, we have been working on sensory setting descriptions. We have focused on building our vocabulary to widen the words we can use in our writing.
Also, we have focused on different senses during our shared writing and built in many features to our writing, such as alliteration and personification, to help draw in the reader. 
We are reading 'Skellig' by David Almond in our reading lessons this half term. The children are gripped by the early events of the story and we spent some time focusing on the characters. We used the text to retrieve evidence about Mina and then used these facts to form our own impressions and ideas of what type of character she is and the role she will play in the rest of the story.
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