Welcome to Nursery
Happy Halloween!
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This half term in Nursery we have enjoyed learning all about ourselves within our topic All About Me exploring this in various ways. The children have enjoyed creating their own fabulous self portraits, identifying body parts and discussing their own unique features whilst doing so including hair colour, gender and age. We have explored our features, expressions and emotions through the use of ICT and have enjoyed imitating family life in our home corner.
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In literacy we have enjoyed the following stories:
Dear Zoo-The children loved this book and were able to identify the animals and the reasons we couldn’t keep them as pets. We also linked this to our own families and pets and shared photographs of which pets we had and what we liked about them before adding their photos to our family tree display.
Monkey Puzzle: The children enjoyed the story of monkey puzzle, recalling the characters and main events from the story. In relation to the Monkey finding his mum and dad, we again linked it to our topic-All about me and enjoyed talking about who we look like in our own families.
Stick Man: This was the children’s favourite story and they were desperate for Stick Man to get back to his own family tree. We followed stick man on his adventures and enjoyed recalling key characters and phrases before comparing Stick Man’s family to our own and discussing siblings/relatives, etc.
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